The Green Self-Build Manual Book by Jon Broome

How to design and build your own eco-home book manual free pdf download

Building your own home can be a very satisfying thing to do, and many people have gained a great sense of achievement from doing it. At the same time you can ensure that your home does not make unsustainable impacts on the environment. Homes currently consume around 30% of all the energy used in the UK, and this figure is rising.

However, a home which does not rely on fossil fuel is perfectly feasible using current technology. At the same time, more and more people are becoming aware of the limitations of the mass housing market and are looking for homes which are well designed, better equipped, and more energy-efficient than the market provides.

This book aims to capture a sense of what it is like to build your own home: to illustrate the kind of issues that you will have to deal with, and to set the experience of building for yourself within the context of your day-to-day life. It also illustrates the wide range of reasons why people build for themselves: to get an affordable home, to reduce the environmental impacts of their lifestyle as far as possible, and to demonstrate to others what can be achieved.

The choice of examples also illustrates the range of techniques of construction which have been developed to reduce the environmental impact of building.


  1.  Why self-build, and why build green?
  2. Who has successfully built a green self-build house?
  3. Designing a good house
  4. How can you encourage others to think green?
  5. Environmental issues and the site
  6. Building for longevity
  7. Reducing energy in use
  8. Reducing environmental impacts
  9. Reducing harmful impacts on health
  10. Reducing waste
  11. Reducing water consumption
  12. Environmentally preferred forms of construction
  13. Designing a sustainable garden
  14. Why we should build green for the future
  15. How to specify green
  16. Useful links, references and contacts

Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 290
Size: 65 mb

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