Learning Medicine: An Informal Guide to a Career In Medicine

Learning Medicine: An Informal Guide to a Career In Medicine 

However, an increasing number of patients are now turning back to the healing methods of the past and seeking a solution to their health problems which treats the whole person and not just the individual parts. Why is this?

It may be because, despite all the advances made by medical science, the answer has not been found for many common chronic conditions such as back-pain, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, migraine and diseases such as Alzheimers, MS and cancer. It may also be that due to the very heavy workload placed on today’s doctors, in part as a result of the advances made in bio-scientific medicine, they no longer have the time to develop a healing relationship with their patients.

Tomorrow’s doctors will need to adapt to changing needs and to develop a more integrated approach to health and healing; an approach which integrates the wisdom of the past with the scientific and technological developments of the present and the future. They will have to learn to understand and respect a variety of medical traditions and to work in partnership with practitioners whose philosophies and techniques differ very considerably from those in which they have been trained.

They will need to supplement their diagnostic skills by learning from the valuable knowledge and experience of ancient traditions, such as those in India.

Recent discoveries in the field of genetic research and the human genome project fascinate, and worry, many of us. These developments have been achieved through international collaboration and hold out the possibility of new ways of identifying and treating diseases with a genetic component.

However, they also raise important issues of bio-ethics, which impact on society and its values. Tomorrow’s doctors will have to face difficult moral issues, which challenge both their consciences and their values.


1. Why medicine and why not?
2. Opportunity and reality
3. Requirements for entry
4. Choosing a medical school
5. Application and selection
6. Interviews
7. Medical school: the early years
8. Medical school: the later years
9. Doubts
10. The house officer
11. Choosing a specialty
12. Career opportunities
13. Postscript 

Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 160
Size: 2 mb

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