Color Atlas of Histopathology of the Cervix Uteri
Color Atlas of Histopathology of the Cervix Uteri + 239 Figures and 4Tables / Gisela Dallenbach-Hellweg Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz Marcus J.Trunk – Second Edition
During the past decade our understanding of the histopathology of the cervix uteri has changed greatly. Because of the lifestyles of the modern permissive society, cervical viral infections have become epidemic, resulting in inflammatory and precancerous lesions that were uncommon but now are seen mainly in the younger age groups with increasing frequency.
Then too, progress in molecular biology and immunohistochemis-try has enabled us to distinguish subtypes of papilloma viruses, to proceed in understanding their action within the genome, and to trace the infected metaplastic and neo-plastic-transformed cells to their histogenetic origins. The resultant refined classification of cervical neoplasias has helped to predict clinical outcome and to choose type of therapy.
This atlas is intended for all pathologists, to aid them in their routine diagnostic work. We hope it explains just how comprehensive, important and complex the histopathology of the cervix uteri has become during the last few years. It covers all pertinent differential diagnostic aspects and describes in detail how to reach the correct diagnosis.
The atlas is also meant for the clinician, to guide him in his often difficult decision of how to provide optimal care for the frequently young patient, who desires children but is at risk for cancer. In particular, the atlas is designed to foster an improved dialogue between the pathologist and the clinician.
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 206
Size: 31 mb
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