Who Do You Think You Are? Discover The Purpose Of Your Life By Keith Leon
Who Do You Think You Are? Discover The Purpose Of Your Life By Keith Leon pdf
The way this book came into existence is a miracle in itself. My wife Маша and I had just experienced the biggest business failure of our lives. Maura chose to take a mourning period and I found myself at a crossroads: do I stay in the muck or move on? I chose to say “NEXT!” and move on as quickly as I could from the “failure” I had experienced.
One day I turned to my wife and said, “Give me the greatest book title I’ve ever heard, that’s all I need is a good book title.” It took her all of a minute and a half. She looked at me and said, “Who Do You Think You Are?”
I was blown away. I thought it was the greatest book title I had ever heard. I asked Maura, “What would it be about?”
We brainstormed a bit and came up with an idea or two. We originally thought it would be a book of interviews with people who had gone from rags to riches, a book all about success and how those who are successful think and act.
I contacted one of the teachers from The Secret and asked to meet with him. He agreed to meet and we set a date. I then told my wife we had a meeting and we needed to complete our pitch on the book.
“What book?” she asked.
“Who Do You Think You Are?” I replied.
“That idea is half-baked,” she said.
I responded, “Well then we’d better bake it and quick.”
We met with this man, who has now become a mentor of ours, and spent a half-day with him. I am so grateful for that time, as this great teacher put my wife and me on a path of abundance. He helped us realize our self-worth, something we had been missing until then.
It wasn’t long before I realized that this mentor wasn’t going to have the time to collaborate on the project. In addition, the project didn’t have enough “juice” for me the way it was, so, I went to prayer with it.
I checked within myself and sat with the title until the purpose of the book came to me! I did what many wise mentors will tell you to do. I went inside for the answer I was searching for.
As I sat in silence waiting for the answer to my question, I remembered back to a time when I was searching for my life’s purpose. I had spent many years asking Who am I? What is my purpose? I went from church to church, synagogue to mosque, looking for the answers. As a matter of fact, during this search I spent much time wishing I could sit in front of all the people I considered to be successful and clearly living their purpose so that I could ask them the three questions I ask in this book. I found myself thinking about all the people who are still searching for their life’s purpose, and that’s when I came up with the idea for this book.
I realized that I had been surrounding myself with these great teachers, had built relationships with many of them, and that I was now in a position where I could ask these questions for the people who are still searching. I thought about all the people who had seen The Secret and had heard the concepts presented perhaps for the first time, and how discovering then purpose may be exactly what they are looking to do.
Once I had the concept for the book in place, and it felt like the right project for the right reasons, I started to make some calls. I kept getting the same response when I asked each person if they would participate. “Yes” was the answer. I started calling it the YES Project, because no matter who I asked, “yes” was the answer. I knew I was really onto something great. I watched this list of great teachers form in front of my eyes, and my excitement grew more and more each day.
So whether you are searching for your purpose for the very fu st time, or you like re-discovering your purpose over and over again as you go through life, this is the book for you. I have done my best to include a diverse group of people, from all walks of life. I asked them all the same three questions. I have learned so much from the process of creating this book. I learned that I have the ability to pick up the phone and call anyone in this world with whom I want to speak.
I learned that when you have the right project, for all the right reasons, the law of attraction will create a life experience even greater than you can imagine. I learned that all the participants have had an event, or series of events, that put him or her on a path to discovery, and it is truly my hope that this book will aid you in your discovery as well.
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 251