(Ab)normal Psychology 5th ed by Nolen-Hoeksema

We are in the midst of a revolutionary change in our understanding of psychological disorders. The distinction between ‘normal’ and ’abnormal’ has blurred as emerging evidence shows that many disorders, such as depression and anxiety, represent extremes of common experiences. Today, psychological problems are increasingly seen by clinicians as part of a continuum that ranges from healthy, functional behaviors, thoughts, and feelings to unhealthy, dysfunctional behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.

In a world where distinctions between normal and abnormal are not black-and-white, students must be even more discerning in their study of abnormal psychology. This revision discusses where each disorder falls along a continuum of functioning and builds students’ skills in thinking critically about such continuum models. It also provides a strong foundation in the DSM system of diagnosis.

The DSM-IV-TR criteria for diagnosing each disorder are presented in DSM-IV-TR tables like the one shown here, the likely changes in these criteria in the DSM-5 are then described, often with some discussion of why these changes are being considered. Thus, students learn the diagnostic system currently being used and also gain an appreciation of how these criteria evolve as our science progresses.

Along with its new features, this revision retains the previous edition’s integrated coverage of biological, psychological, and social perspectives on abnormality and continues to focus on the roles of gender and culture in abnormality. It also highlights personal accounts of people with mental disorders.


  1. Looking at Abnormality
  2. Theories and Treatment of Abnormality
  3. Assessing and Diagnosing Abnormality
  4. The Research Endeavor
  5. Anxiety Disorders
  6. Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders
  7. Mood Disorders and Suicide
  8. Schizophrenia and Related Psychotic Disorders
  9. Personality Disorders
  10. Childhood Disorders
  11. Cognitive Disorders and Life-Span Issues
  12. Eating Disorders
  13. Sexual Disorders
  14. Substance-Related and Impulse Control Disorders
  15. Health Psychology
  16. Mental Health and the Law
